Epthianura aurifrons  

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)
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© Geoff Walker 2011
Currawinya National Park, QLD (Sep, 2011)

I went back the next day because the wind had dropped and found that the birds were harder to get close to and were harder to find, spending more time hiding on the ground between the samphire bushes.

I eventually found them out on the flats of the receding lake.

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Male Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Male and female Orange Chats

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Orange Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Orange Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Orange Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Orange Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Male Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Female Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Male Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Male Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Female Orange Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Orange Chat

Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)

Orange Chat